Varicose veins during pregnancy
The venous insufficiency is the cause of the appearance of varicose veins and is clearly impaired by pregnancy. Not only the hormonal changes that occur during the gestation but the mechanical effect of obstruction to drainage worsen the symptoms and signs of venous insufficiency. To minimize the appearance of discomfort and try to prevent the progression of the disease should focus on compression therapy dietary and hygienic measures. Good to know that there are many options and treatments of varicose veins to suit all situations. The main objective is to achieve an improvement of lymphatic and venous drainage exerting a downward compression from the ankle to the thigh.
It is true that the application of soft gels help support the heavy legs, however there is a false belief that socks contraindicated in cases of venous pathology. While this is true when it comes to conventional socks, which have a rubber more proximal level (knee ), since in these cases has a compression sock which hinders the flow. However, the entire family of therapeutic stockings or compression socks decreasing favor drainage as the point of maximum pressure is located at the ankle ( ankle level ) and this is decreasing.
A practical way to tackle a pregnancy when you suffer from varicose veins consists of:
1. compressive Therapy, for example through:
- Compression Socks Class I and Class II: low pants to bring in more summer seasons in which a high average can be distressing
- Media elastic compression Class I or Class II with a thigh restraint through a silicone band that allows good adhesion and is independent of the size of the abdomen
- Media elastic Pregnant Panty is particularly adaptable to abdominal restraint level. In cases where it is more comfortable wearing a panty and there is a lot of abdominal bloating.
- Stockings Panty perineal reinforcement inguinal. Such averages are very useful in cases of women with varicose veins that develop in the groin area and perivulvar or having discomfort in recent months by the feeling of congestion and pain in the genital peri varices.
2 Toilet dietary measures:
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage or acupressure with mechanical systems
- Moderate exercise activity having as more balanced ride on the flat for 20 to 30 minutes. Intense physical exercise is not particularly recommended.
- Both abundant hydric Hydration ( intake of 2 liters of water a day ) and at the level of the limbs, avoiding dry skin
3 Complementary Treatments:
Each time is more accepted the role of natural therapies and complementary medicine treatments like homeopathy. Failure to be no contraindication or adverse effect on the fetus favors the application of homeopathic treatments that seek to minimize the inconvenience of heaviness, pain and congestion arising during gestation.
In regard to the physical aspect, the only way to deal with conceal the existence of varices or leg veins during pregnancy is trying to reduce its congestion: using compression therapy, or by the same makeup. Also in the cosmetic market several products that integrate into your composition and hydration protective factors that make up the skin and exert a shielding effect.
After delivery, it is recommended that a period of rest to facilitate the return to normal before a sclerotherapy treatment or Percutaneous laser. This period is variable but usually have to wait two to three months before starting any therapy since in most cases the clinical manifestations undergo involution or progressive improvement.